Mabel the chameleon was both beautiful and bright...

In this beautifully illustrated story, follow Mabel the Chameleon as she strolls through the garden on the path to discovering her own true color. 

The path isn't always smooth — she encounters many trials, cutting remarks, and hurtful characters — but with the help of her supportive and loving family, she emerges more beautiful than she could have ever imagined. 

If you're looking for a way to help your child find his or her true colors, deal with bullies, peer pressure, or cliques, or if you're just looking for a way to express the wonderment you feel every time you look at them, then maybe it's time to take a stroll through the garden with Mabel.

(Where will Mabel go next? You can download a printable Mabel coloring page here!)

As parents, no one knows our children as well as we do.

We've literally been there the whole time, supporting them, investing in them, and watching them blossom into their own unique and beautiful selves.

 ...which is why it's absolutely heartbreaking when we see them become influenced by others. 

 Sometimes it's bullying, sometimes it's peer pressure, and sometimes it's just trying to 'fit in,' but the result is always the same: In an attempt to change themselves to please others, our kids shed their vibrant colors — the very spark that makes them who they are — in exchange for a drab, pale, and sometimes ugly shade of grey. 
This book is just one parent's desperate and heartfelt attempt to help my kids see the palette of vibrant colors that I see in each of them. My prayer is that it will also help you speak to your kids to help them see their unique colors too. 

Each child is a blessing, and the way that each of them paints the world is a gift to all of us.
Product Details:

Hardcover, 32 pages

Dimensions: 8" x 10"

Weight: 347.9g

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